I have , in the past, spent an awful lot of time thinking………..Im not scholarly at all, but there were things that bothered me……..I like to think I found some solutions, until that is, I realised that I was going around in circles and getting nowhere.  Much like the programme on radio 4 today by the Public Philosopher where the philosophising just seemed to circle and weave and intersect until I went blind in my ears !! Anway, I decided that none of the philosophies I came into contact with……………yes, sorry, Ive gone back in time to the beginning of this paragraph…….. quite cut the mustard with me  ( I loathe mustard btw) so I amalgamated a couple of things and maybe came up with my own…… (which is what I said to Amanda today on Facebook, should you care to look). I quite like aspects of Hinduism, for instance, I keep those bits…………reincarnation, dont eat animals……………and so like Buddhism…………..sort of not being a religion in the sense of god worshiping……….not intentionally harming animals,  meditation………so I keep those bits……….Spiritualism, because I sense things Im told I cant, and smell them, and see them and hear them and sometimes know things I cant know…..so I keep those bits too………..I could go on, but Ive forgotten what else I discovered…………..but it started to get complicated again so I distilled it all down to the simplest I could manage…………a simple statement………..Love all, hurt none, and walk in soft shoes.

Isnt that all thats needed? Does anybody really need to look any further? Just accept who you are, Love  yourself and others, dont hurt yourself or others and walk quietly, without upsetting anyone or anything, be as if  you are not here.  

This is all I live by now. Dont get me wrong, I can still tell you of my beliefs, but they are not  my philosophy for living. 

I THOUGHT ABOUT THIS, therefore it is

Isi Tart 

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